Hey everyone! 

Today the Think We team attended a mini we day at our local high school! There were many very inspiring videos and amazing singers to keep  the crowd entertained! There were also great activities that were really fun to do.

Aside from that, I wanted to mention that yesterday  was the day of "WE ARE SILENT." Did anyone take the challenge? I wanted to mention that May 6-16 is "WE WALK 4WATER" day. It's where Spencer West and other people who  want to make a difference in the world some day AKA agents of change.


(Sorry about the photo, I'm using an old laptop so it was hard to figure out screenshot.)

Over these past few days, I reviewed many different things about angles. It was basically everything we learned from last year, so it wasn't too challenging in my opinion. I learned that the vertex is where the angle meets. We also got refreshed from our summer brain and many of us remembered how to use a protratctor. You always need to start on the zero for a proper measurment.

What I found most challenging: Speeches

I think what I found most challenging was the speeches overall. I found it challenging choosing a topic that I could be able to present yet still some what ineteresting to the audience. Making my points not repeat was also a little challenging.

I enjoy that we get to learn more about the topic we choose because we are generally interested in it. Also, hearing everyones speech once they are all edited and revised.

I enjoyed watching the speeches as many of us were able to use it as a digital criteria. It definately helped in getting ideas flowing and what I could work on or watch out for.

I think I could improve by choosing a topic that I'm more interested in. Additionally, having a topic not so infrmational so the audience doesn't get bored.

It's not really a subject, however if I were to choose a subject in L.A, I don't really know what to suggest.


Hey everyone! Hope you have had a fun filled Spring break with a lot of relaxing and sleeping in! I've had a reasonably good Spring Break and I look forward to having school tomorrow. As a lot of you know, today is April Fools and I keep on getting fooled. Thanks a lot to my loving siblings.. Anyways, hope everyone had a good Spring Break as well. 
Right now, I have to do some last minute homework, and if you are like me, you are a procrastinator. 

Bye for now!

My Grade 7 Learning Journey!