This term, I learned a lot about math!

Mainly we reviewed the things we learned in grade 6, but it was nice to refresh our memory once again. I learned all about integers. Such as how to add and subtract them, the different methods that I could use to find out each answer, etc.

It was actually really fun, considering I learned a lot of helpful tips to remind you. Such as the bigfoot number line method. (I made my own similar version which I will post later on.) I think that was one of the things I enjoyed the most, learning different methods that was fun!

I think what I disliked the most about this unit was that when we didn’t understand something, it wasn’t clarified to the best extent.

However, I took ownership of my own learning, and I searched up what I didn’t understand to well (the counter method).

Overall, I still had fun during this math unit once I overlooked that little thing. :)

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My Grade 7 Learning Journey!